Notice for Colosseum Archaeological Park
Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine Hill, Domus Aurea

  • Luna sul Colosseo will be extended from November 5, 2021 to January 8, 2022 and will be held on Fridays and Saturdays from 6pm to 10pm (last admission at 8.30pm).
    The availability of the time slots for Friday and Saturday evenings will be released weekly in a gradual and progressive way, by date and time, on all sales channels.

_ Following an increase in the availability of tickets for the Colosseum Archaeological Park, the total number of tickets on sale from Friday, October 15th will be 1.695 per hour.
The quota of additional tickets will be released weekly. The number of tickets on sale and the quotas reserved for the respective releases are subjected to possible variations due to security reasons, the development of the health emergency, and for any different provisions of the Park Management.

_ Limitations for bookings for LUNA SUL COLOSSEO
Following limitation is introduced for reservations for Luna sul Colosseo, starting from the evening of Friday, October 8th, 2021: it will be possible to pre-purchase a maximum of 2 slots/groups, per customer, for each evening, with a maximum of 25 people per slot/group.

_ Nominal tickets
On tickets purchased from Friday 1st of  October 2021  will be indicated the name of the buyer

_ Bookings for LUNA SUL COLOSSEO
from August 16th at 4.00 pm the bookings for LUNA SUL COLOSSEO will be available also on Friday, from August 20th.
Currently all the availabilities are on sale until September 18th.
The availability of time slots for Friday and Saturday evenings will be progressively released weekly, by date and time, on all sales channels until the end of October.

_ Starting from 25th May 2021
it is possible to reserve Full Experience Ticket with Arena Access.

_ On Tuesday, June 22, at 4.00 p.m.
opening of the bookings for the tickets of the Archaeological Park of the Colosseum, from the 1st of July to the 30th September 2021. Reservations are available online and through the call center, with a quarterly release of tickets, monthly for the month of July, as well as weekly and daily, with a gradual release for each time slot. Gradual, automatic and progressive releases, scheduled time by scheduled, will be managed directly by the system. The access is allowed to groups of maximum 20 people, including guides and companions.

_Full Experience Ticket with Arena and Undergrounds
From Monday June 21 at 4 p.m. it will be possible to book  the accompanied access and the guided tours to the Underground and the Arena of the Colosseum, from June 26th to September 30th, 2021.
Reservations are available only online, with a release of tickets on sale quarterly, monthly for the month of July, and weekly with gradual release for each time slot.  
Gradual, automatic and progressive releases, scheduled time by scheduled time, will be managed directly by the sales system.

A maximum of 20 people, including guides and companions, can be admitted per time slot.

Each customer may purchase
- a maximum of 5 tickets per scheduled time guided tour and up to a maximum of 20 tickets on the same date
- each purchase code generated must correspond to only one day and time of entry or guided tour

A group of maximum of 20 people (guide included) will be allowed for Guided tour to the Underground and Arena of the Colosseum. The tour lasts 75 minutes, the access is from the Valadier gate.

    From Friday 18 June at 9.00 a.m.
    it will be possible to book guided and accompained tours  to the exhibition "Raphael in Domus Aurea. Le invenzioni   delle grottesche" and to the Domus Aurea Restoration Site, from 23 June to 31 December 2021.
    Reservations are available online and at through  call center, with a release of tickets on sale for the whole period of the exhibition and an additional weekly release, with gradual releases for each time slot.
    Gradual, automatic and progressive releases, scheduled time by scheduled time, will be managed directly by the sales system.
    The access is allowed to a maximum of 20 people, including guides and companions, for each time slot.

    We would like to inform you that in the event that it is not possible to use the tickets and services purchased, the issue of vouchers for tickets and similar services is envisaged for those who fall into the categories indicated below, already provided for by the regulation referred to. in letters a) b) and c) of art. 88 bis:

    1. subject towards whom quarantine from COVID-19 has been ordered with active surveillance 
    being a person in need of a fiduciary home permanency  with active surveillance  by the competent health authority in the execution of the measures adopted by the competent health authority pursuant to Article 3 of the Decree Law of 23 February 
    2020 no. 6, converted, with amendments, by Law no. 13 of 5 March 2020, and article 2 of Decree Law no. 19 of 25 March 2020, with amendments, by Law no. 13 of 5 March 2020. 
    25 March 2020 no. 19, with respect to the contracts to be executed during the same period of quarantine or 
    home permanence;

    2. subject living, in the areas affected by the COVID-19 infectious ,receiving a removal ban order as identified by the decrees adopted by the President of the 
    of the Council of Ministers pursuant to article 3 of Decree Law no. 6 of 23 February 2020, converted, with amendments converted, with amendments, by Law no. 13 of 5 March 2020, and article 2 of Decree Law no. 19 of 25 March 2020, with respect to contracts  to be performed during the period of effectiveness of the aforementioned decrees;

    3. person who has been tested positive to the COVID-19 virus for which quarantine with active surveillance is ordered or a fiduciary home permanency with active surveillance by the competent health authority, or hospitalisation , in respect of contracts to be performed during the same period of permanency, quarantine or hospitalisation. 

    In order to issue the voucher, it will be necessary to produce a self-certification using the attached form and a copy of the identity document.

    The Belvedere of the Colosseum is currently closed for restoration work.


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