It is impossible to gauge the true size of the Baths of Diocletian in a single glance.
You have to go in and immerse yourself in its many dimensions: the ancient spa system, the church and cloister and the modern museum will captivate you!
Opening days
Open from Monday to Friday
Opening times
from 14:00 to 19:45 (last admission 19:00)
Saturday and Sunday
1 January, 25 December - Web Baths of Diocletian
Feature List
- Info line
- Wheelchair accessible
The Baths of Diocletian are wheelchair accessible.
More info -
Info Reservation
Every step brings a new perspective. You are at the Museum of the Baths of Diocletian, a place you’ll never get tired of discovering.
The Baths were completed at the start of the 4th century A.D. Here, 3,000 bathers could immerse themselves in the hot or cold water pools, work out in the gymnasiums, dive into the open-air pool or relax in the meeting rooms. Today, part of the baths is occupied by the church of Santa Maria degli Angeli. In 1889 the complex became a museum and various archaeological collections were housed here together with finds from the excavations taking place at the time.
Since 1997 it has been one of the sites of the National Roman Museum together with Palazzo Altemps, Palazzo Massimo and Crypta Balbi.
The galleries are dedicated to the Protohistoric Section of the Latin populations and the development of the Lazio culture, and the Epigraphy Section where the Latin language is recounted through documents written on the most diverse of media. The Octagonal Aula hosts the sculptures found in the baths, while the Renaissance Olearie are used for exhibitions and meetings. In the multimedia room you will find a virtual reality installation with reconstructions of monuments on the ancient Via Flaminia, such as the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta.
The Museum of the Baths of Diocletian is a place where you can spend a few hours or a whole day. It will fascinate you.
for groups upon request
available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish -
Didactics for schools
upon request
available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish - Audioguide
- Bookshop
- Wardrobe
Additional Info
- Compulsory purchase of the ticket online.
Admission is scheduled every 15 minutes and allows access to 14 people at a time. - ENTRANCE TICKETS
The ordinary entrance ticket is currently replaced by the MNR Card 2021, which allows unlimited access to the 4 sites until 12/31/2021 without reservation.
However, it is possible to purchase the n. -
Accompanied and unaccompanied group visits are allowed up to a maximum of 10 participants, including the tour leader/guide. -
School visits, accompanied or not, are allowed in groups of up to 10 participants, including the tour leader / guide.
Access is free by presenting the list of students and accompanying teachers on the letterhead of the school they belong to.
Tickets must be purchased online in advance.
For information and reservations
Viale Enrico de Nicola, 78 Roma (RM)
Metro: line A, B station Termini
Visiting Rules
- Visitors will only be admitted to the museum sites if they are wearing masks covering nose and mouth and if they have tickets.
- Visitors will have their temperatures taken by infrared scanner immediately before admission to the museum sites. This process is mandatory and visitors who refuse will not be admitted. Masks must be worn throughout the visit.
- Visitors must sanitise their hands using the gel provided by the Museum and maintain a safe social distance of 1.5 metres, except for families.
- Group visits, with or without guide, are allowed up to a maximum of 10 participants, including the guide.
During the visit it is mandatory the use of own protective devices (masks to protect the mouth and nose that must be worn during the entire visit, also by the guide) and the respect of the safety distance.
In the case of heterogeneous groups, accompanied by a guide, the latter must enforce the safety distance
within the group. - To accommodate the restrictions in place because of the Covid-19 health emergency, a one-way visit route has been established for each of the Museum’s sites in order to avoid visitor flows crossing wherever possible.
Baths of Diocletian > download route