Hadrian’s Villa is one of the most imposing and surprising residences of the ancient world. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is situated a few kilometres from Rome among the harmonious and green valleys of Tivoli.
Hadrian’s Villa is an innovative and striking example of Roman architecture, richly evocative of the places admired by the Emperor Hadrian during his travels through the Empire’s provinces.
Opening days
Monday to Friday
Opening times
January 8.30 - 17.00
February 8.30 - 18.00
March (to summer time) 8.30 - 18.30
March (from summer time) 8.30 - 19.00
April 8.30 - 19.00
From May to August 8.30 - 19.30
September 8.30 - 19.00
October (to winter time) 8.30 - 18.30
October (from winter time) to December 8.30 - 17.00
from November to February Sundays and holidays 8.30 - 14.00The ticket office closes an hour and a half before the Villa
Saturdays and Sundays
- Web Hadrian’s Villa
Feature List
- Info line
Partially accessible to the disabled
Info Reservation
individuals and groups
+39 06 399 67 900 | +39 0774 38 27 33
Built between 121 and 137 A.D., for Emperor Hadrian this villa was a genuine refuge from the chaos of Rome. It was gradually abandoned following his death, and during the Middle Ages it was used as farmland, as a quarry for fine construction materials and as a stone reserve from which to extract lime.
The first topographical study of the Villa by Pirro Ligorio took place in 1560 while between the 14th and 19th centuries excavation activities multiplied bringing a large portion of the original villa to light.
Strolling around Hadrian’s Villa will catapult you back in time to the spaces desired and trodden by one of the most important emperors in Roman history. You will be intrigued by the Teatro marittimo, one of the first constructions of the noble residence, and by the Canopus complex with its large rectangular pool surrounded by wonderful sculptures that reflects the fascinating Serapeum, the temple dedicated to Serapis.
Before you leave make sure you see the Pecile, a huge garden with colonnades and central swimming pool, the Antinoeion, the sacred area that probably housed the tomb of Hadrian’s young favourite, the famous Antinous, and the Great and Small Baths, elegantly decorated with the area below reserved for personnel.
Villa Hadrian in Tivoli needs no introduction. Come and retrace the footsteps of a man and an emperor with a multifaceted and intriguing personality and you will discover a historical gem that will leave you open-mouthed.
for individuals with fixed departures
available in Italian -
for groups by reservation
available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish -
Didactics for schools
by reservation
available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish -
duration: 1 h 15'
available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish
price: € 5.00 - Bookshop
Additional Info
Reservation of the entrance is compulsory
- groups € 30.00 (max 15 pax + guide without vox system obligation; from 16 to max 25 pax + guide with vox system obligation)
- schools € 1.00 per student (from 1st March to 30th October)
Compulsory pre-payment of the group entry reservation
For information and reservations +39 06 399 667 450
This service is temporarily suspended
Largo Marguerite Yourcenar 2, Tivoli (RM)
Metro: line B, stop Ponte Mammolo, bus Co.Tral direction Via Prenestina and stop about 300 m. from the site
Bus: Co.Tral direction Via Tiburtina and bus stop about 1 km from the site
Co.Tral direction Tivoli/A24 motorway and stop about 1 km from the site
Train: Tivoli Station stop and CAT bus line number 4
Visiting Rules
- access to the Serapeo allowed only with a guided tour
- It is forbidden to bring camping backpacks, bulky bags and suitcases/trolley inside the monument
- it is advisable to wear comfortable clothing, suitable for the visiting season, and the use of comfortable shoes
- before purchasing the ticket, the temperature must be measured at the thermoscanner located next to the ticket office
- obligatory face mask and social distance of at least 1 meter
- the Plastic model of the Villa is visible only by 2 people at a time
- open toilets: by the entrance (weekend only) and by the Plastic model. Canopus services closed
- the kiosk for drinks and snacks near the Plastic model is open
- guided tours are given for groups of maximum 14 people, or only with "whisper" device up to 24 people