If you find yourselves close to the Palatine Hill make sure you visit the “House of Livia”.
You will discover an extremely charming building where you can relive the story of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, one of the richest and most important families in Ancient Rome.
Opening days
Site temporarily closeded
Opening times
Open from Tuesday to Sunday
9.00 - 14.00 -
December 25, January 1 - Web House of Livia
Feature List
- Info line
- Wheelchair accessible
The site is partially wheelchair accessible.
Info Reservation
+39 06 399 67 700
The House of Livia was just one wing of the far larger complex of the House of Augustus on the Palatine but the building still carries this name today following the discovery of the name of the Emperor Augustus’s wife, “Iulia Aug(usta)”, on the water pipes dating to the period.
On entering the House of Livia you will walk across a floor decorated with a simple mosaic that leads you to the most important rooms, such as the tablinum, a reception room for guests, and the triclinium, the dining room. These rooms were originally adorned with frescoes depicting mythological scenes and landscapes behind fake architectures in perspective, enlivened with a wide array of characters and garlands of fruit and leaves.
Some of these decorations disappeared and some were removed. Nevertheless, thanks to the use of innovative multimedia devices you will be able to admire the wonderful decorations as if they were still right in front of you.
Come and visit the House of Livia. You will be enchanted by the elegance and sophistication of one of the most beautiful private residences in Imperial Rome!
If you want to learn more about the most influential first lady of Ancient Rome you can also visit the triclinium in Palazzo Massimo and the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta.
Additional Info
- It is possible to enter the House of Livia by purchasing the Full Experience Ticket (with Arena or Underground of the Colosseum)
Via di San Gregorio 30, Roma (RM)
Metro: line B station Colosseo
Visiting Rules
Access rules for the Foro/Palatine area:
- accesses with restrictions
- compulsory booking of entrance tickets online
- at the entrance to the site the body temperature will be measured, indicating 37.5° as the threshold limit for the entrance
- inside the site, it will be obligatory to wear personal protective equipment
- along the route of the visit indicators will be set up for the spacing
always maintain a distance of 1.80 metres between visitors - the routes will be accessible through special signs and APPs