Palazzo Massimo is situated in the heart of Rome, close to Roma Termini railway station.
When you step foot inside you will forget all about the chaos of the outside world and immerse yourself in the great art of Ancient Rome.
Opening days
Open from Monday to Friday
Opening times
from 14:00 to 19:45 (last admission 19:00)
Saturday and Sunday
1 January, 25 December - Web Palazzo Massimo
Feature List
- Info line
- Wheelchair accessible
Palazzo Massimo is accessible.
More info -
Info Reservation
In fact, here you will find one of the most important archaeology collections in the world, four floors of displays dating from between the 1st century B.C. and the late Imperial period.
The austere building was erected at the end of the 19th century and since 1997 has been one of the sites of the National Roman Museum together with Palazzo Altemps, the Baths of Diocletian and Crypta Balbi.
In the basement you’ll find the Numismatics and Jewellery sections with coins, jewels and precious stones. The grave goods include the must-see mummy of the Girl of Grottarossa, found together with her doll.
The upper floors are filled with masterpieces of classical sculpture: Via Labicana Augustus, Boxer at Rest and Greek-inspired Roman statues like Discobolus and the Sleeping Hermaphroditus. Continuing on, you will see original frescoes of the triclinium of the Villa of Livia at Prima Porta, a dining room frescoed on all four walls with a life-size illusionistic garden of trees, flowers and fruits, bushes and birds. Removed from the original site of the Villa of Livia, the frescoes are now here, in the same position: those who enter the reconstructed room relive the experiences of the guests of the Emperor’s wife, forgetting the world outside and losing themselves in the illusion of the garden.
Visiting Palazzo Massimo is like entering another dimension. Welcoming and generous, it is a Museum that never fails to surprise. Explore it with us, find out about our educational offer.
for individuals with fixed departures
available in Italian -
for groups upon request
available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish -
Didactics for schools
upon request
available in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish - Audioguide
- Bookshop
- Wardrobe
Additional Info
- Compulsory purchase of the ticket online.
Admission is scheduled every 15 minutes and allows access to 14 people at a time. - ENTRANCE TICKETS
The ordinary entrance ticket is currently replaced by the MNR Card 2021, which allows unlimited access to the 4 sites until 12/31/2021 without reservation.
However, it is possible to purchase the n. - GROUPS
Accompanied and unaccompanied group visits are allowed up to a maximum of 10 participants, including the tour leader/guide. - SCHOOLS
School visits, accompanied or not, are allowed in groups of up to 10 participants, including the tour leader / guide.
Access is free by presenting the list of students and accompanying teachers on the letterhead of the school they belong to.
Tickets must be purchased online in advance.
For information and reservations
Largo di Villa Peretti, 2 Roma (RM)
Metro: line A, B station Termini
Visiting Rules
- Visitors will only be admitted to the museum sites if they are wearing masks covering nose and mouth and if they have tickets.
- Visitors will have their temperatures taken by infrared scanner immediately before admission to the museum sites. This process is mandatory and visitors who refuse will not be admitted. Masks must be worn throughout the visit.
- Visitors must sanitise their hands using the gel provided by the Museum and maintain a safe social distance of 1.5 metres, except for families.
- To accommodate the restrictions in place because of the Covid-19 health emergency, a one-way visit route has been established for each of the Museum’s sites in order to avoid visitor flows crossing wherever possible.
Palazzo Massimo > download route