The splendid Tomb of Caecilia Metella is one of the most important funerary monuments in Ancient Rome. It is located at the heart of the Appian Way Archaeology Park in the “outskirts” of the capital of the Roman Empire.
Symbolic monument of the Appian Way, the 11-metre high tomb stands out at milestone III along the road. Its top is decorated with a frieze with Gallic shields, garlands and ox heads (from which the name of the area, Capo di Bove - literally ‘Ox Head’ - derives).
Opening days
from Monday to Friday
Opening times
from 9.00 to 18.00
Last admission 30 minutes before closing -
Saturday and Sunday
25 December, 1 January - Web Tomb of Caecilia Metella
Feature List
- Wheelchair accessible
The site is accessible
The Tomb of Caecilia Metella was built between 30 and 20 B.C., as indicated by the large epigraph on the upper part of the mausoleum, for Roman noblewoman Caecilia Metella, daughter of Quintus Caecilius Metellus Creticus and wife of Crassus. Built to celebrate the family’s importance, the mausoleum consists of a cylindrical drum on a square base. The burial chamber occupies the entire height of the building. In 1303 it was incorporated in the castrum of the Caetani family as a tower.
Leave the hubbub of the city centre for a few hours and follow in the footsteps of the ancient Romans by walking along this wonderful Roman road immersed in nature.
When you reach the Tomb of Caecilia Metella you will be surprised by the tall base of the funerary monument and the refinement of the burial chamber, totally befitting a noble Roman matron. In his admiration, Goethe remarked that “this is what solid masonry means” and expressed his amazement at the Romans' ability to build “for eternity”.
After visiting the Mausoleum you will also have the chance to walk through the rooms of the nearby castle (castrum) built at the start of the 14th century by the Caetani family.
A blend of nature and archaeology awaits you at the Tomb of Caecilia Metella for what promises to be a unique experience.
You can continue your walk and discover some of the innumerable marvels that the Appian Way and surrounding area have to offer, like Villa dei Quintili and the Tombs of Via Latina.
for individuals by reservation
available in Italian
Additional Info
- To visit the sites of the Appia Antica Archaeological Park, buy online La Mia Appia Card (full version and free).
- If you are entitled to the reduced ticket you can choose to buy the single day ticket.
The reduced ticket is reserved for young people aged between 18 and 25 of the European Community.
Via Appia 161, Roma (RM)
Metro: line A, station Colli Albani
Bus: n. 660 stop close to the Appian Way Archaeology Park
Visiting Rules
- In all the places of the Archaeological Park visitors must wear a face mask covering nose and mouth, and use the disinfectant gel placed at the entrance, in order to access the park.
- Before entering will be subjected by authorized personnel to the measurement of body temperature; access is subject to the measurement of body temperature of visitors which must be less than 37.5 °.
- A specific paneling, placed both at the entrance and inside the areas, will provide visitors with all the necessary information, remembering not to form groups, to respect the interpersonal distance of at least 2 meters and to maintain an adequate distance of the structures and works.
- Access to the toilets is allowed one person at a time. Please remember to observe the rules for a proper cleaning of hands in the interest of everyone