- EU citizens aged between 18 and 25, on presentation of an identity card
- Musei in Rete ticket
- European Union and non-European Union citizens aged less than 18 years, on presentation of an identity card.
- Disabled individuals and a relative or other accompanying person who can demonstrate that he/she works in social or health care services;
- Citizens of non-European Union nations, on condition of reciprocity (children under 12 years must be accompanied);
- Tour guides from the European Union in the exercise of their professional activities, on presentation of a valid licence issued by the competent authority;
- Tourist interpreters from the European Union when their assistance is required alongside the guide, on presentation of a valid licence issued by the competent authority;
- Ministry personnel;
- Members of the International Council of Museums (ICOM);
- Groups and parties of students from state and private schools in the European Union, accompanied by their teachers, subject to booking and in the number determined by the head of the institution;
- Students on advanced training courses organised by MiBACT schools (Central Institute for Restoration, Institute for Restoration of Semi-Precious Stones, School for the Restoration of Mosaics);
- Teachers and students enrolled in the fine arts academies or corresponding institutions in the European Union, on presentation of a certificate of registration or enrolment for the current academic year;
- Teachers and students of degree courses, specialist degree courses or post-graduate or doctoral courses in the following faculties: architecture, cultural heritage conservation, educational sciences or literature and philosophy with an archaeological or history/arts specialisation. The same concessions are granted to teachers and students of corresponding faculties and courses from European Union institutions. Free admission is granted to students on presentation of a certificate of enrolment for the current academic year and to teachers on presentation of an appropriate document;
- Teachers of art history from high schools, on presentation of an appropriate document;
- Journalists, on presentation of an appropriate document proving their professional credentials;
- For reasons of study or research, certified by schools or universities, academies and research and cultural institutes in Italy and abroad, or by the Ministry, or for specific motivated requirements, the heads of the institutions may allow free admission to the exhibition spaces for which they are responsible for specified periods to persons making corresponding requests;
- Licensed tourist guides from the European Union;
- Teaching staff under permanent or short-term contracts with Italian schools are permitted free admission to the museums, archaeological areas and sites and monumental complexes owned by the Government.
Meeting Point
Entrance from the Piazza di Sant'Apollinare ticket office
Exit from the Sant'Apollinare square bookshop
What's included
- One entrance to the Palazzo Altemps
- Ongoing exhibition
What's excluded
- Entrance to the other locations of the National Roman Museum
from Tuesday to Friday from 2.00 pm to 7.45 pm
Saturday and Sunday from 10.30 to 19.45
last admission at 19.00
1 January, 25 December
Additional Info
- Admissions are scheduled every 15 minutes and permit access for a maximum of 30 people.
Group visits, with or without guide, are allowed up to a maximum of 20 participants, excluding the guide.
During the visit it is mandatory the use of own protective devices (masks to protect the mouth and nose that must be worn during the entire visit, also by the guide) and the respect of the safety distance.
In the case of heterogeneous groups, accompanied by a guide, the latter must enforce the safety distance
within the group. - SCHOOLS
School visits, accompanied or not, are allowed in groups of up to 20 participants, excluding the tour leader / guide.
Access is free by presenting the list of students and accompanying teachers on the letterhead of the school they belong to.
Tickets must be purchased online in advance.
For information and reservations
Info Reservation
Buy entrance tickets online or at the ticket offices of the sites of the National Roman Museum
Piazza S. Apollinare, 46 - Roma
How to reach
Bus: n. 70, 81, 87,116T, 186, 492, 628
All sites at the National Roman Museum can be accessed by individuals with limited mobility thanks to our designated pathways that avoid structurally difficult routes.
More info
Official WebsiteVisiting Rules
- Green Pass required from August 6, 2021 to access the site
From August 6th the access to the site is allowed only to persons holding one of the Covid19 Green Pass certifications together with a valid identity document, with reference to the current government provisions in order to cope with the epidemiological emergency from Covid19.
COVID-19 Green Certification is not required for children under 12 years of age and those exempt on the basis of appropriate medical certification.
If you do not have a Green Pass and a valid identity document, you will not be able to access the museum sites and your ticket will not be refunded.
Find out more - Visitors will only be admitted to the museum sites if they are wearing masks covering nose and mouth and if they have tickets.
- Visitors will have their temperatures taken by infrared scanner immediately before admission to the museum sites. This process is mandatory and visitors who refuse will not be admitted. Masks must be worn throughout the visit.
- Visitors must sanitise their hands using the gel provided by the Museum and maintain a safe social distance of 1.5 metres, except for families.
- To accommodate the restrictions in place because of the Covid-19 health emergency, a one-way visit route has been established for each of the Museum’s sites in order to avoid visitor flows crossing wherever possible.
The tour includes both ground floor and first floor of the building.
Entrance from the usual public entrance, on Piazza di S. Apollinare 46
Toilets for visitors will be available on the ground floor